Thursday, May 19, 2011

10 (if not more) random things on Thursday

1. It has been humid and rainy here all week.
2. My hair does not like this weather.
3. All four of us have colds which include stuffy noses and ear aches.
4. I two aunts that have recently had books published. How cool is that? Go to Whiskey Creek Press and check out Battered Wings (ebook) by Catherine Yee and A Promise To Keep (also avaiable as an ebook) by Elaine Robinson. Both ebooks are $6.99 and I can't wait to read them. I am so proud of both aunts!
5. My 3 year old has started pointing with middle finger. It is so funny to us to see her doing this.
6. I am an emotional mess today.
7. Yesterday, one of my sisters told me she is getting married tomorrow (Friday). I am thrilled for her and her kids that they have found someone who makes them all happy. I am very sad that I can't be there.
8. I am blessed/lucky to have two wonderful moms. I wasn't able to appreciate this until I was close to 20. Now, not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for both of them.
9. I don't say "step-mom" or "step-mother". I differenciate them by calling one "Momma" and one "Mom". They have both been in my life since the beginning and they both deserve the title of my mom. Goodness knows I have put them both through a lot. ;)
10. Mom asked me today if I would like a quilt made from her mothers clothes. My first thought went straight to losing my father last summer and how I wish we were able to save some of his clothes to do something like that for us and our kids or to make pajamas from his t-shirts for our kids like her mom did for us when Grandpa passed away. Needless to say I haven't been able to answer that text yet.

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