Friday, March 4, 2011

Busy busy busy.....and yes overwhelmed at times

The last few weeks have been very busy for us with the girls birthdays, their birthday party and my sister coming for the weekend. We all enjoyed every minute of it! I miss my family so any time I get to spend with them is super special. The girls had a great time at the birthday party and we haven't stopped hearing about that cheesy mouse play yet.

This week it feels as though the girls have teamed up to try and send me to the nut house. I haven't lost it yet although I have came close. Who would have thought a 5 and a 3 year old can cause so much stress times and yet so much joy at others. This week I have had to stop and say to myself "one day I'm going to miss this". I've decided that if they start throwing a fit or doing something else of the sort I am going to get the camera and take a picture of them. Hopefully it will help them see how silly the look (at least after they are done being pissed that I took their picture) and it will give us chance to laugh at the memory in years to come.

Do you want to know what else I find overwhelming? Well even if you don't I'm going to tell you. Church shopping. I am trying to find a church for our family to attend and it is tough finding one that matches my beliefs and feels like "home". I am not overly religious so I don't want a strict church but I do want one with good morals. Another thing important to me is the church be active in helping its members and community. I'm hoping to visit one this Sunday and another next Sunday. I would like to find one I'm comfortable with before The Husband starts fishing season which is when the kids would start attending with me if not already.

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